Friday, May 24, 2013

Weekend plans

So what's in store today?
I realized (again) I have a three-day weekend.  I was reminded early in the week, then I forgot, then again yesterday I was reminded that we are off on Monday.  Oh, yeah.  A holiday I knew about but since all my gauges are misfiring I thought it was in another week.  But it's not and it is here now.  I will have three beautiful mornings to get my running in without the hurry up and rush afterward to cool-down, shower, and get myself to work.  It takes some of the the joy out of it when I have to rush but no, nah, it's still worth it.  It is just a little more inconvenient  but not so much that I wouldn't do it.  So I have that to look forward to doing.  And I am looking forward to it.
It will also give me some time to get to my Chapter four.  I've started it and then left it.  I've got the outline for it and I know where it's going now.  I might get the story complete in this chapter but I will see once I actually start putting down the words.  It seems I have put more into this 'short story' that is no longer a short story than was required and it might take more to wrap it up.  I can't start skimping on story now or it won't flow properly.  I can't just end it abruptly before I tie up all the ends.  So I'm looking forward to having time to work on it.
So it seems I have a few plans for the three-day weekend.  How about that!


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