Sunday, May 12, 2013


There isn't any way I could give an accurate recap of all that happened yesterday.
After taking my time yesterday sitting at my laptop with coffee in hand, it didn't take me long to go out for a run.  There wasn't any way I could resist it's pull to make my way along the winding road that follows the edge of the water.  My intention was a simple, easy, 3 miles but I kept going.  How could I turn away from the view and want to end the journey?  I finally started my way back when I ran out of road but I got the pleasure of the water lapping at the edges of the road once again as I started my return.  It wasn't much longer than the 3 miles I started out to do but it was an easy paced run of over 5.5 miles.  I thought there could be no better experience but the day was just beginning.
I stopped across the street from the hotel and pulled off my running shoes.  The water was just as it should have been.  The cool, salty, swirl was healing to my hot bare feet.  A few steps in it's comfort and I was good to sit and let the blue froth creep over and away, back and forth as I watched a sandpiper speed and stop, to peck and pick, and then speed away again.  It was a perfect cool-down.
Then the day began with family and breakfast, reading, and being outside sitting and watching.  There was time to splash in the pool and then whisk Mr. L away to dry him off while the rest continued to romp.  With only the two of us in the room, he decided he was ready to nap and although he insisted on frowning and kicking the covers, he laid down and sweetly blinked his eyes as he fell asleep.
When the afternoon wound it's way into evening we all trooped off to get our fill of seafood for dinner.  We managed a bountiful array of all that we could get and afterward found our way back to rest and relax.
This is only a snapshot of the day.  It is only a small frame of things and how they happened.
It's amazing the things I will remember from this snapshot even though they aren't recorded on any camera.


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