Monday, July 2, 2012

What next

If I needed to reflect back on this past weekend you would think I would be complaining of the speed in which it vanished before eyes.  Another weekend came and went as they seem to do.  I can't even recount the multitude of items that were done.  I can't remember them all.  I don't think I need to.  Mostly, I am thinking of how the overall feel of the weekend was just plain pleasant.  I forget sometimes how much that can mean.
There is no shopping list of things I did or didn't do.  I got two good outdoor runs both mornings.  I fiddled with my new iPod 6th generation with the nike feature and calibrated it to match up to a more accurate measure of miles and paces.  It tried to give me credit for 4.86 miles on Sunday when it was closer to 4.28.  I was able to adjust the calibration.  Let's keep it real while you're just doing it.
Most of the rest of the day was spent cleaning!  It was a massive cleaning fest.  I got the tile floor swept, mopped, then swept again.  Staircase steps and upstairs carpeting was vacuumed.  The kitchen was cleaned and sanitized.  I was thinking about trying another flavor concept for a cookie.
Jay got infected with my cleaning fever and decided to do some areas in the den that he has put off.  He finally installed the topper for the wood blinds.  Furniture was moved and floors were given a much needed clean up.  Clutter was discarded or put away.  And dusting!  Afterward the house was just a nicer place to be living in.  Who cares if the time speeds away when you can settle down to a comfortable, clean living space!
We got the added bonus of getting to watch Mr. L for a few hours later in the day.  He was happy, and playful and smiling the entire time.  So was I. 
The new cookie idea will need to wait a bit.  I had called my payment processing company on Saturday since I had locked myself out of my own account.  I talked to the agent for a bit while he helped me through the process.  I must say I was surprised the next day when I got an e-mail from him ordering 3 types of cookies.  It looks like I will get the chance to bake a bit afterall.
Who needs to reflect back on the weekend?  I already have so many things to do next.


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