Tuesday, July 10, 2012

One step too far

I think I might have gotten a little carried away on Sunday.  It started early when I didn't quite feel up to a run.  I just felt a little tired, a little creaky, a little just not up for it.  So what did I do instead?  I decided to try and clean out one of the upstairs closets that was full of items left when the boys moved out.  I decided to tackle the one with less items and by the time I had worked on it for, oh - two hours? it looked pretty cleared out and like this...
Unfortunately, the bed in the same room looked like this...
It's still better since I was able to take out two large black trash bags of garbage that I sorted through and I have empty boxes to put anything the boys might actually want to keep.  Or I have empty boxes to put the things on the bed to give to the boys to take.  Away.  And not be put back into the closet that from the first picture you can see is mostly cleared completely.  Except for the drum and some bedding...they can have the drum...I'll take care of the bedding.

I thought about tackling the closet in my office...
But not that day.  Too much stuff to get started on.  I managed to get my desk facing the windows with the black chair (and my laptop) fairly cleared off.  The worktable on the other side with the old green office chair has all my book notes on it so that was left alone.  (I was working on it)!  The cork board propped up by the edge of the window has index cards for each of my book characters but then when I was cleaning out the other closet I found this...
It's a chalkboard with colored chalk!  I might actually be able to use this for book ideas.  It's easier to erase or edit or change.  I can use bullet points or dashes or use longhand or print.  I even ran a test on it and it passed quality assurance.  Can you see?  I was excited about it.  You thought this would be one thing I'd be giving away, right?  Go figure.  No.  I think I am keeping this.

So then I had spent too much time upstairs and decided to bake some bread.  It made the house smell great and tasted really good even if I did use the bread machine.
And I sliced it myself.  Not bad.  So then I broke down a watermelon.
And it was ready to eat.

I broke down a roasted chicken, too, so I could use some of the meat for another meal and kept the breasts whole for another meal.  I'll figure exactly what meal later.  But then I went off the rails since I had boned the chicken and removed the skin.  I thought the skin would crisp up real nice although it's totally bad for you and you shouldn't eat it.  But I stuck it into the oven and gave it a go.
Jay said this one looked like a deep fried scorpion.
So I had to stop.  I had gone too far.  Chicken skins?  That look like scorpions?  That you should not be eating or even thinking of eating in the first place?
Maybe it was all the children's things I had found when I went through the closet, or the excitement of finding a chalk board with colored chalk or...
Maybe I just had a long (albeit productive) day.  And I just went one step too far. 


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