Sunday, June 10, 2012

Vacation reflection

Today is my very last day of vacation.  I'll have to go back to the regular routine again tomorrow.  I'll go back to my Monday through Friday work-week with lot's to do.  I'm not really looking forward to it.  This time off worked out too well for me this time.
You would think I had lots of exciting things to do this past week and in my way I did.  I had time to for anything and I did the things I wanted to do.  I spent a lot of time alone, at home, so I got many things done there that I have wanted to get done.  It's easy to let things slide when you are too preoccupied or just plain too tired to get them done much less notice they need to get done.  I had time and I noticed and now I'm noticing how much better it all feels.  I had time to read.  I had time to run.  I had time for it all or nothing and some days that is what I did.  It might be hard for me to fit myself back in to the regular routine after finding my way through this bigger, better idea of not having to report.  And yet I did a very good job of reporting since I've been off this week.  I don't mean reporting to work or even checking in a single time but reporting to myself and what I needed to do.  There is a big difference.  I found the worrying slide away.  It shluffed itself off piece by piece as I sweat it out during my morning runs.  Pressures eased away when I took the time to admire a clean tile floor.  It was the calming effect of being able to watch a behind the scenes runway show because it would serve as research for my fiction and getting excited about it.  It gave me this idea or that.  All those same things happen when I'm in my normal routine but there is a difference.  They get muddled and sometimes lost with so much else going on that the work seems to have a higher importance or at least a higher priority.  It shouldn't but sometimes it does. 
I guess the challenge for me is to figure out the two.  I thought I had been doing a fair job of it but maybe I could do better at managing it all.  Maybe I am too caught up in it all and stepping back and being left to my own devices was more of what I could have wanted and needed.  It certainly seems like a hard thing to give up at this point, the vacation and free time, but that is what makes it all so interesting.  Yes?
So enough for now.  I have all day today to be left to my own devices.  Scary thought, I know and besides I have to run.  Literally.


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