Thursday, June 14, 2012

Go back

In my rush to get to work yesterday morning after I realized I didn't have a book to read I quickly picked one and downloaded it.  I had left myself little time and checking my wish list on my Nook only left me with options of books to pre-order and nothing available at that instant.  I needed something right at that moment, not weeks in advance.  Now what?  Time was ticking and if I didn't download before I left I wouldn't have an Internet connection later.  (I hadn't remembered I could have done it on my phone in a pinch).
So what to do?  Then I realized I had my website... ...where I had entered over 300 books I have read and it would compile recommendations for me based on those books!  That's right..that is why I did it in the first place!
So I hurriedly went to the site and clicked the recommendation tab.  The first book suggested was a murder case with main characters being an attractive reporter lady and a handsome, single Senator.  The recommendation was based off of some of the JD Robb books I had read but I wasn't sure about it.  Should I check for another?  Time was ticking.  The author was Pamela Clare.  I've never read her, didn't know about her, but it was interesting that she was using two first names.  I've known a few Pamela's but never a Clare, and never a Clare with that spelling.  The thing is I have a friend that knows a Clare with that spelling and she had actually come up a few days before - the friends' Clare, not the author.  I took the name as a good sign and I downloaded the book. 
I started reading it at lunch that day and it had a fairly simple beginning and my mind wandered off to my own writing.  I seem to be thinking a lot lately about my own writing struggles and how it seems to be from my decline in motivation, much in the same way, months ago, I had been feeling about my running.  But why and what am I missing in order to find it again?  Like my running, I know my writing is something I enjoy.  I look forward to the challenge and know it can be hard work.  I've built some kind of foundation with it and I should be building it up and yet, much the same way as my running those months past, I've lost something.  What?  What did I miss?  What parts where making it hard for me?  Or what was I making hard for myself?
Instead of seeing the words on the page that I should have been reading I was thinking about writing.  The beginning of this book I was attempting to read started with details about the main characters.  It set the scene but mostly started out with description and information about the characters.  I guess since I have my writing in such a forefront of my thoughts I was using the book I was trying to read as a tool or resource for what I should be doing.  That is when my mind wandered off and I thought about how I miss building my characters when I write.  I might have driven the story and plot so hard that I was losing what I liked about what I was doing.  I was so close to completing it that instead of enjoying what I was doing I was pushing too hard only to finish.  Had I overtrained? 
I'm not sure but when it comes to writing I never am.  It might sound good but I don't know.  It might be just another excuse.  There has to be more to it than that but I don't think I'll figure it all out in this instance.  But I am thinking about it and I might have to take another unprecedented approach to get back to it.  I think I might want to go back to the beginning and work on my characters - fill them out a bit more - instead of continuing where I left off.  But I know that isn't recommended since everyone says to just keep writing until you finish and then go back.  One thing I know is, that like my running, I miss my writing too much to not go back.  Just how?


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