Monday, June 25, 2012

A little more

I am not big on quotes or memorable references that are scattered here and there.  I think the impact of what is trying to be said is lost when used alone and not put into the context of what was originally trying to be said.  I think that I find most don't fair well standing alone and I want to know more about why they are being used.  Maybe it's just my curious nature or maybe I'm just too opinionated.  What can I do? 
I DID see one yesterday that was interesting.  It might have been that finally that small percentage of right quote to correct state of mind was centered but this was what it said:  "A lot of good work is lost for the lack of a little more."

Now THAT made me pause.  The funny part about this is that I HAD read all of the rest of the context and it really didn't apply to the way I took the quote.  So maybe that blows my theory of having to need all the context to get what a quote is truly trying to get across but I never said my opinions can't change.  Sure, ask me again tomorrow. 
But, seriously, think about it.  A lot of good work is lost for the lack of a little more.  It could apply to so many things and for me - well - timing, with my struggle with my fiction it read well for me.
I've never been afraid of work.  I am very much the roll up your sleeves, hit the ground running, and what are you waiting for, kind of person.  For most things.  But I haven't been for finishing that first draft of my fiction project.  And I admit I'm fearful about it.  I keep thinking that it will be just awful after all the work.  But since I have no real idea if that is true or not, wouldn't it be just as likely that I could lose some good work for the lack of finishing it off?  So, as easily as it is to look at what might be reasons to quit there are reasons to keep going.  Am I afraid of the work?  I don't think so.  And, gee, surprise.  I didn't talk and hash it out with anyone but figured it out on my own.  Imagine that.
Better yet.  Let me imagine myself rolling up my sleeves and hitting the ground running again.  I've been struggling to get myself on track for a while now and maybe reading that one quote at the right time may have finally triggered a point on the positive side to keep going. 
Nobody is going to be able to tell me I just couldn't get the work done.  Especially if it's just a little more. 


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