Wednesday, June 6, 2012

No lists

I just got my desk put back together here upstairs.  I have a few stray cords to roll up and stow but I've been able to get things in operating condition.  I'm up and running.
We arrived back home from paradise yesterday afternoon.  Thank goodness the drive back was uneventful.  We arrived in the same car we went in and if you think that an odd thing to say, well, it isn't.  The last time we drove there we weren't able to drive back in the same vehicle so I am glad that stretch of the road was quiet and uneventful this time around.  The rest of the afternoon was spent on getting a new business account open for Jay since the account he has been using is loaded with fees.  This new one isn't.  I know...can't seem to help but work while on vacation but there was time and it made sense.  Besides, I have the entire rest of the week free and clear.
I am going to try to stay with a take it as it comes attitude.  If I don't feel like it, I won't do it as far as planning things to do.  I've got a feeling I will be feeling like getting the house in order as my first priority.  We've had all these wonderful renovations done to the house and it is sorely in need of some good old regular elbow-grease cleaning.  I don't have any specific list but I need to get started.  Oh, all right, maybe I do have a just isn't written down!  So I don't think it counts and I won't rattle it off for you as it goes through my head.
The idea is mainly to get my environment to a comfortable level so I can occupy it for the extended time I will be spending in it the rest of this week.  It's hard to relax when I see things everywhere that need to be taken care of and the lingering feeling that I will feel so much better once they are done is too overpowering to ignore.  So why not get that done first and enjoy the rest?  It makes perfect sense.
So first I'll put in a load of laundry and while that is going...Oh! lists.  But I think I will get started.


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