Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Weekend recap

There is no denying how great my long holiday weekend turned out to be.  Oh, well, maybe I would be silly to think it could have been anything but great.  Let me recount...it included my birthday which melted right into a holiday which turned out to be a lazy, lounging day and then, and then, added bonus!  Another day off!  I mean really?!  It was the best I can remember in a long time!
My birthday was filled with well wishes and then lunch with Dante.  I am on his Sprint phone plan and he decided it was time for us to upgrade.  We spent the rest of the afternoon getting both of us new Android phones.  So birthday gift to me was going from an ancient relic to an EVO 4G Android.  I should listen more carefully when people tell me about these things.  What could be better?  The device is a mini-computer that I don't need to find a wi-fi hot spot to use!  What could be better?  I know...you already knew.  But it's new for me so woo-hoo!!
My birthday turns right around and becomes a New Years celebration.  Dante spent the night so we made fresh pasta and steaks.  We listened to music and drank Prosecco at midnight.  Then we stayed up a little later...I'm such a bad girl!  Sonny had traveled to visit Selma's family for the holiday to show off Mr. L so it was about 1:30am when he called me.  Well, you see, I had talked to him earlier but was playing with my new phone at that late hour and kept hitting his number and ending the call when I realized it was dialing.  He said, "Mom, why do you keep calling me at 1:30??"  "Sorry, I was playing with the new phone."  I went to bed shortly after that.
New Years Day was lazy and easy.  Stayed at home all day.  Made simple (but traditional) food.  Ham, home-made black eyed peas and white rice.  I ran a mere 2 miles to keep my hangover challenge which was to get out there and run 1 mile.  Hit the sack early.  I'm a year older, remember?
The bonus day was spent getting some positives done.  A tiny bit of shopping, retail and grocery, to get ready for the week.  Then Jay and I decided to change gyms.  We cancelled our old membership with the nicer, fancier, farther away gym to the newer, just built, less expensive one that is less than a mile from our house.  Less expensive, more convenience?  It sounded like a no-brainer so we did it.  Besides...how often do I usually go to the gym when I would so rather run outdoors.  Now, if I think the weather won't work on a particular day I'm only a mile away from the gym.  I did miss a run that day but how can I fret when I used the extra time to spend with Dante.  Another no-brainer and then as the day dwindled down, I politely excused myself from everything and I wrote. 
I told you my long weekend was great.


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