Saturday, January 14, 2012

Figuring out vacation time

Maybe what they say about me is really true.  I don't know that I actually doubted anyone but I don't think I gave it any real thought and I didn't think it was any big deal.  It turns out it might be a bit of a deal and actually be something that I really haven't been able to figure out or that I can't seem to manage the way other (normal) people might.
I don't know how to be on vacation.  That's it.  That's the problem.  The meaning of vacation is leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure.  Yes.  I looked it up.  How am I supposed to figure out being on vacation if I don't even know what it really means so I looked it up.  It turns out it's supposed to be time devoted to rest or pleasure.  I'm not sure I knew that.  I thought it was time to get everything done.
I can at least say that I have been off the past three days and I start each day really well.  I have.  I get up when I'm ready.  Okay, honestly, it isn't much later than I would get up on any other day and I don't mind that I haven't turned off the alarm but, hey, I'm an early riser.  What can I say?  I get up, make coffee and throw on some shorts and a Tee (socks, too, because this new tile is cold).  I have so enjoyed taking my time in the mornings having coffee, checking my e-mail, balancing accounts and then getting ready to run.
It's awesome.  In the past three days since I have been off I have clocked 14 miles.  Now that is worth the vacation all on it's own.  I come home after the run, shower and have a bowl of cereal.  Now I think that would qualify as relaxing.  And it feels great and I could do this for an extended amount of time.  I know I could.  The first half of these days have been great! 
In the past few days I have also read, gone to lunch, done a small amount of shopping.  I've cleaned up and cooked.  I've written, too (not here obviously).  But it seems my afternoons start to unravel.  Too much left-over time that turns into frantic time because when my direction on what I should/could or supposed to be doing gets turned around I worry about all the things I haven't done.
I was frustrated yesterday because I couldn't find the replacement belt for the vacuum cleaner and couldn't get the house in (perfect) order.  It sounds absurd but I have this beautifully remodeled home that takes little care and I couldn't vacuum the new carpets.  I'm spending lot's of time at home so I wanted it to be done.  Some might say that vacuuming carpets doesn't fall under the definition of leisure time for rest or pleasure.  But I could argue I would get an enormous amount of pleasure from having a vacuumed carpet.  Then again, I don't think I would get far with that argument.  So I ordered the proper belt on-line since three stores didn't have it.  How's that for spending my time...getting frustrated about a busted vacuum cleaner belt.
The good part is that I have managed to figure out this vacation thing for half the day.  This is only the third day and, yes, I still have eight more days to go.  Eight!?  Is that right?
Well, at least I have enough time to learn.  The good thing is that I at least know what the objective is since I looked it up. I've got the first part of each day figured out pretty well.  Hopefully, I can get the last half of each day on track with this vacation thing.  It would be nice to have it all figured out soon.  You know, the entire day and not just the first half so I can experience it correctly.
You know what will happen, of course, don't you?  It will take me the next eight days to have it all figured out, only to have to go back to work. 
Now, really, that isn't very relaxing.


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