Friday, January 6, 2012

Massage hating

I had a massage scheduled for this last Wednesday after work.  Way back in October I was needing some help working out the knots on top of knots I had managed to tie in the upper back portion of my shoulders.  You know the area - right at the top of the shoulders, behind your neck?  It's from my all day computer work and then home again with more of the same.  In any case, back in October it had gotten really bad and I went for a massage.  It was a relief even though they told me I would probably need more sessions to work it all out.  I thought, at the time, it would be a good idea to lock into their lower prices by purchasing some sessions in advance if I was going to return.  I mean, massages are supposed to be something everyone looks forward to, right?
I did think it was beneficial at that time and I went again a month later.  When this month and new year rolled around I realized I had not even thought of returning and I was going to be charged for more sessions.  I still had two session I hadn't used and already paid for.  I went down and cancelled my membership.  (This year seems to be the year I am cancelling things - first the fancy gym, now this).  They told me I had two more hour massages I could schedule before the end of this month.  I thought okay and I scheduled the first for this past Wednesday.
You are supposed to look forward and feel so great after these kind of things.  I don't get it.  I wasn't looking forward to it.  I don't think I ever relaxed during it.  I had to keep reminding myself to stop tensing up and that wasn't relaxing.  It went on forever.  Do I really need my palms and fingers rubbed and please leave my feet alone!  They did work the majority of the time on my knotted shoulders but even afterward was told they couldn't get all the knots out. kidding.  They thought a hot stone treatment would heat up and loosen the muscles so the tension could be worked out better.  Heat.  Yes.  I know, but it's damn January. 
I have one more session to use up and then I'm done.  I won't be looking forward to it either and I won't be using hot stones.  I'll pull out my 'grandmother' heating pad and I bet that will work. 
I could have used the hour for a really nice run that day instead.  The weather was perfect and it would have warmed up my muscles just fine without the cost.
Boy, oh.  The only person in the world that doesn't look forward to a massage.


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