Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Some work more vacation

It's still too dark to see outside my upstairs window.  It's still quiet, too.  The day should start rumbling with activity since the long holiday weekend is over and people are going back to their routines.  It just hasn't started up yet.  For them.  I'm already here, done a few things and will keep going really soon. 
After sleeping late yesterday I went and got a run in afterall.  I wasn't sure I would but I made it and felt great.  It seems the most ridiculous thing to me on those days when I feel least like going out, I feel so absolutely wonderful afterward.  I think I have to remember when I am doubting or indecisive about that is to just get myself there.  I don't need any fancy motivation or deep reasons as to why it is better to do it.  I just need to remember to get there.  Just start.  No rules, expectations or goals.  Just start.  It works itself out from there.  (And coming out of the gym there was a penny on the ground by the wheel of my car.  It was heads up.  Lucky day).
I also had a very productive day.  I closed out all the bookkeeping for Jay's shop and even managed to get the taxes done.  Whoa!  Huge task.  More than a few hours of work but what a relief!  And it's only the middle of January when I usually drag this out until March.  Not this time...not this year, not now.
I (unfortunately) need to head to the office this morning for about 10 minutes and think I will do it now when no one has arrived yet.  There is a short report I need to run for a meeting this afternoon and I couldn't get my remote access to work properly even getting my help desk involved last Friday.  They set up a case but it would be faster for me to just drive to work and get it done.  The remote access will have to wait for later.  But after that I will be on vacation again.  Oh, my!  That sounds so exciting again!  Hey, I'm gone to get this done.  I have more vacation I'm looking forward to after that!


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