Friday, October 1, 2010

Moving from

I came upstairs this morning to write but not knowing about what.  On days like these I will ordinarily not put up anything at all or I will try to see what words splatter across the page.  I think this morning there are too many things churning around in my head which makes it difficult to pinpoint any one thing to go with.
This might be caused by my getting used to a new laptop.  It is in the same place and is about the same size but there are differences.  The keyboard has a different feel and touch.  I have had to make small adjustments to my keystrokes and pressure of my pounding.  I no longer have a number pad but I have a better operating system and faster and more memory.  These are small things that will become routine in a small amount of time.  It's the feeling in this instance that has captured me and makes me pause about them.
If it had been a matter of choice to replace or upgrade my equipment it would have created a more excited feel.  It's not that I am not very happy to have a new, better, laptop but I haven't quite gotten past the circumstances and slight awkwardness of how it is here now instead of my other.  I haven't left this new laptop here sitting on my desk upstairs any day since I got it.  I take it with me when I leave.  Shut it down, pack it up, and stuff it into the large bag I carry.   It isn't that convenient or probably necessary.  What do I think I am doing?  Protecting it?  Keeping it safe from alien intruders?
Ah, there it is.  It isn't the laptop or the things.  It will learn to stay home soon except when I want to go out and write somewhere else by choice.  It is purely me being defiant right now that if they came back anytime soon, they will not carry off another of mine.  I obviously cannot carry everything to protect and keep safe and I won't.   
The discomfort from alien intruders is starting to pass just as I am getting more comfortable with the feel of this keyboard.  Will I pack this laptop up this morning and take it with me today?  Yes, probably but not tomorrow or the next.  These small things will become routine again in a small amount of time.  The feeling of comfortable security will come back. 
I just need another small amount of time.  I mean, I've already moved from uneasy to defiant.


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