Thursday, September 30, 2010

Haven: source of...

Is it considered a compliment if someone refers to something by a name I gave it here in a post?  I sort of smiled and took it that way when I got an email with the subject line:  Runners haven.
I am sure I haven't referred to the place I have gone out on Saturday mornings as a "runners haven" except here on this blog.  Maybe it did slip out at some point when I was talking about this place but I really don't think I used the reference anywhere but here.  It is what I have called the sports store where so many runners congregate at 7:00am on Saturday mornings and run along a scenic loop.  I've been invited and gone twice and have enjoyed going out both times.  In fact, I was thinking of heading out by myself this Saturday when I got the email with the "Runners haven" subject line asking if I was up for going there this Saturday.  I responded, "Ah...YES, absolutely!!
I stopped for a minute to think...did I use the correct reference for this place?  Runners is an obvious word choice but haven?  A haven is a place of refuge.  A refuge is a source of help, relief, or comfort.  Hmmm...okay, maybe my description IS accurate.  My first impression of this place was exactly a runners haven.  There were so many other runners there running short, long, and in-between distances at whatever pace was comfortable for them.  You start up at your own stride, blend in, and become part of a great big group of like-minded people out to accomplish their own personal goals.  You have help if you need it along the way with so many others around that understand what you are doing and it makes it a relief.  It is comforting to find a route that is there for you and all the others around you doing the same thing in their own way.  Okay, so yes.  I guess my first thought of it being a haven was a correct reference.  It was to me at the time and now, of course, I just needed to revisit it since someone had actually used it!  How nice!     
So I am looking forward to heading out again this Saturday for a run.  It made me smile that someone was using the reference I gave the place we are going.  It must be a compliment since they used my own words back to me and could have only seen it here.  So, ah, yes, absolutely!!
I think it would be considered a compliment.


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