Monday, June 1, 2009

It works

Here it is Monday of a new month. It's June already and the first day for me to get adjusted to this new desk and chair. I had to make some adjustments but I think this is going to work really well. For one thing, it's more comfortable. The chair is the right height and I hope not to get that pain in my shoulder from sitting at the wrong angle. Not that I ever sit the right way for long. Give me time and I will be sitting on one of my legs or crouched closer to the keyboard than I need to be.

It's really nice to just walk into the room and not have the expanse of white walls. That was my decision on the white walls. The upstairs room used to belong to my oldest son but when he and his brother moved out I took his room since it faces out the front of the house. I had no furniture in it, so I repainted, cleaned it up and stuck the folding work table by the windows. I then proceeded to use it that way. I guess I forgot all about continuing to fix it up. Life and all.

Funny how that works sometimes.



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