Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rush, what a

Hurry! What happened to the time? How could it possibly be Thursday!

I've got so many things to do and most need to be done, well, to be done, like now, or today or no later than early tomorrow if I really wanted to stretch it but then there will be other things that will cross my desk and need to get done and nothing has a higher priority than this new thing even though that old thing is really higher priority and it's just slipped underneath the newer things that got piled on top of it and then there are the meetings I'm being pulled into that are new so I have to focus and it takes time away from my desk to do the, oh what's that...not one but two instant messages during the meeting asking for managers times, then back at my desk, "what? No, I don't have a minute, can it wait? Sorry, but really, I'm busy!"

Someone actually asked me if I had a minute yesterday and I told them no and they said they'd come back later. I tried to feel bad about it but I was so relieved it had worked, I really didn't have a minute. It will smooth itself out but right now...whew! But that was yesterday, and today is a two hour meeting this morning...not including the time I need to get over there to make sure everything is set up since the higher up's are in town this week and presenting.

Boy, how great is it to be back in my element!



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