Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I'm sitting. It's still dark out and there isn't too much noise from outside. I opened the blinds so I could see the light coming in as the day starts. I will be able to see the subtle change of the sky from a midnight blue to light pale with a few white clouds. The car noises will increase and the neighborhood will start another day of the week.

It's nice to be able to sit and notice. Small things, everyday things. In a blink it's changed and won't be exactly the same again tomorrow. I don't always get a chance to sit and notice. It's pleasant to be able to do that, sometimes. Quietly, not disturbing it while it happens. Letting it unfold the way it will today, but not exactly the same tomorrow. It happens quickly and easy to miss if I'm not watching. And I can't always watch which makes it even more fine when I can. Today I can, have and will.

I'll be watching all day.



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