Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekend showers

It had rained Saturday afternoon and I had wished I had grabbed my camera to take a picture out my bedroom window to see how it would turn out.  I was granted another opportunity when it rained again on Sunday afternoon.  I was reading quietly when I realized it was coming down fairly hard.  I immediately ran and got my camera and snapped a few shots.

I never expected the pictures to turn out perfectly well.  The fact is when I look out of my window when it is raining this way I see things fuzzed up and hazy.  If it is raining as hard as it had been both Saturday and Sunday it might look something similar to what was captured.  It is missing the sounds that go with the images but that is something I might be able to conjure from memory as I glance through these shots.  It's just a quiet, middle of the afternoon shower while reading a book on a weekend.  Who hasn't wished for that at one time or another?   

And after it clears...then you go outside and appreciate what else the rain has done for you.


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