I was staring downward at the number appearing on the digital display inbetween my feet. My eyes were starting to bug out, my breathing was rapid, and I could feel my blood pressure climb. I knew I shouldn't have been reacting this way to a simple device that resides in my bathroom and is merely a smallish platform that displays specific information when you position yourself on top of it. It is advised not to step on it daily but that a weekly check-in is sufficient and won't cause the panic symptoms that may occur in a certain percentage of the public. I am definitely in this certain percentage at the moment.
I don't go by these rules. Who goes by these rules? I hop on and off the scale whenever I feel like it. Unfortunately, even with my regular hopping I haven't been taking the information very seriously. The cause for the sudden rise in physical symptoms is the sudden rise in the number on the scale. I knew I was headed in that direction. I knew I had stopped running and started filling the extra time with additional eat time. I knew I was overdoing and yet...and yet.
Time to pay the piper. Or more in my case, time to pay more attention to what and how much I decide to eat nutrition wise. It's not like it's an exorbitant amount of weight I would like to peel off but I am not at my best running weight at the moment. I am not at my best running fitness all the way around with the time I have been out. Excuses, excuses. Yes. And now that I've gotten them out and can't go back to say...I was out and not able...anymore, I have no reason but to put a stop to that and just get down to business.
And I will, and I have. I had set a goal last week to run 45 miles in two weeks which ends this Saturday. I have 32 miles clocked so far and only 13 total more to go. That means I have four days left but even if I only run three days it will average to 4.3333 miles per day. Maybe it's a few more .33333 but it's do-able and so is dropping the few pounds I put on. I mean, it should be - especially if I run 45 miles in two weeks. If not...maybe I should go for 50.
And the readout on the digital device?
Let it say what it may and if it isn't what it should be...run!
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