Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Days work

Can we talk about busy days at work?  Everyone has them.  Mine have been inching their way toward the ultimate, all-time, everyday stressfulness they had been maybe five years ago.  I don't think they are quite to that point as before but I think there are quite a few things going on that others are not sure how to take care of, so they come to me no matter how important or insignificant.  It is only when they all happen at the same time that makes it difficult and everyone seems so harried and panicked when they come to me.  Have you ever had a line form at your desk for people waiting their turn to ask you something?
I went into work early.  My boss was traveling and I thought it would be quiet with fewer people arriving at that time and I would be able to get some things done uninterruped.  Needless to say, you can probably guess that wasn't the case.  I knew there was a meeting scheduled to start at 7:00am for the programmers.  I had made arrangements for the specific PC they needed to be moved to the area they were meeting.  I had done everything to put the arrangements in motion well before time.  Well, I had done the things necessary, but it seems the PC was delivered but it had no connections.  There were also other equipment including a projector, screen and whiteboard that hadn't arrived.  Of course, the moment I came in, I was on the phones trying to get things smoothed out so too much time wasn't wasted for them to get started.
I had also arranged a series of sessions for another group that the kick-off was scheduled for the same morning but later.  There were last minute changes to rooms that were requested which meant an entire series of items that had to be done to accomplish this and then notifying the attendees.  While this is going on, the printer is jammed and I have someone pulling me away to take care of it.  When I get back my boss is calling from the airport and has a few items he wants me to work on right away.  I have two instant messages popping up on my computer asking for my assistance, and someone wants to know if that is all the muffins they were bringing out because they thought that we needed more.
It was 11:00 before I was able to stop and realize I wanted to go home and start the day over, please.  But I only had time for that brief thought before more work came pouring in on top of the things I already was working on and I started it all over again.
So, really, I am not complaining about the work or my job.  It's an interesting mix of mundane and important.  Sometimes I wish I didn't have to be pulled off the priorities so much of the time to take care of the time stealers that have to be taken care of right away instead of later but that is just the nature of my business.  It would have been nice to have had someone come over just to make me pause and smile for a moment instead of asking me to do something else.  But then everyone is busy.  Everyone has these days.  I was able to clean up most of the items that came up and I will be going in a little early to see if I can start yesterday over properly except I am already a day further into the week.  That isn't such a bad deal.  Besides, I decided to wear a skirt and my brand new 4" heels today just to make myself smile and feel better.     
It's all in a days work.


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