Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Music

I've been listening to some new music lately. I think I should say I'm always listening to music and I've discovered some artists that are new to me. I've really been enjoying them and you will find me plugged into my satellite radio in the car, streaming pandora on the laptop on the kitchen table or with my ipod at my desk or while running (whenever I decide to get back to that-soon, soon).

So these new artists all seem to be from overseas and have explicit lyrics. It must give me a mysterious grin when one of these play over my ipod while I'm sitting at work. I know yesterday when listening at work to a new download a song called D**khead came on. It was a soft, acoustic guitar rendition that picked up a little emotion as it went along and had a really good violin back-beat. Too cool. Of course there is always another favorite on a different CD by another artist called F**k You. Again, it's a sweet melody pretty much spelling out how she feels...F**k you very, very much...in a mild descending note progression. Like I said, too cool. I'm having too much fun with the music. I'm having too much fun finding new artists and listening not only to these songs but others. They tend to give me ideas. Ideas I might use later in something I write, ideas for a character or plot deviation. Then I pick and play the song while running and come back and jot down the ideas to use.

I have to mention that yesterday, another artist sang "Over the Rainbow". Gosh, who would have thought to put that song on a current CD, but there it was and it was a very good version. I understood while listening to it why it was included. I grinned at that one too. The day before, Jay, my husband, must have caught me in a thoughtful mood. I believe he was commenting on my facial expression when he asked, "Are you living in Oz?"
I looked up, "What?"
"You're back in Oz, again. I can tell."
It took me a minute..."Well, it must be better than living in Kansas". No offense to Kansas, I've never been there but if I had a choice between the two, most who know me would know where I would prefer to be. Oz - ruby slippers and horses of a different colour.

But that's a whole 'nuther subject, now isn't it?



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