Saturday, April 25, 2009

Don't tell

Today is another Saturday and I've managed to bang around the house without any real direction. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of things going around in my head that I could be doing. I just haven't put any focus into any of them. I did my normal morning routine things and thought I might go to a class at the gym. I thought I had time before I started to mow the grass in the backyard so I did that. Unfortunately, it didnt' leave me enough time to change and drive to the gym so I didn't go. Then I picked up a book and started reading. I knew I had to make a deposit at the bank and drove over to get that done but came right back home since I didn't think I was exactly dressed to do anything except drive thru at the bank. I wasn't dressed for any more than that. No...I do NOT go out in pajama bottoms posing as pants. First of all I don't own pajamas but more importantly, I won't be seen in public unless dressed somewhat put together - at least I would like to think that.

So I've settled myself here at home again and started a load of laundry and I thought I would give another cookie idea a test try. I was inspired last week by a good friend that had tried a white cookie when we were out having coffee but she thought it needed nuts. I modified a recipe and came up with a batch of pretty good cookies based on what she had tried at the coffee shop. That gave me another idea of coming up with a 5 chocolate cookie. Yes, I mean using five different types of chocolate in one cookie. I was thinking about holidays (because I usually make large batches of cookies during Christmas to give away) and the next holiday was Cinco de Mayo. Not a usual holiday most would think of, but hey...cinco - five. Five chocolate cookies - Cinco chocolate. You never know where my mind might go off to.

And I have allowed my mind to wander again. So many things still to do or could do. Like even though I've kept these posts in sequence, really, right now, in real's Saturday...but I'm going back to write Thursday and Friday now since I haven't really written those yet.

Don't tell.



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