Thursday, December 4, 2014

Gold star

I managed to write for 45 minutes yesterday. I get a gold star for actually spending the time working on fiction instead of writing notes about what I should write. My prime way to get around writing is by making notes and writing down ideas and reading articles. I have pages and pages of notes that pertain to the theme and characters. I have questions and answers about how this should work and how that might be a way to get an idea across, but the actual story has remained the same hollow batch of words since I plugged down my first draft.

Could this 45 minutes be considered progress? And their lies the problem, don't you think? Why is that even a question. I know I am going to get a rewrite completed the same way I got the first draft completed. I may be taking the long way around to get there but I am a newbie, a rookie. I am trying to figure out my process and believe it or not, I might be getting slightly closer to what that is for me. Forty-five minutes of actual story work is what it is. It's just another step closer to getting it done and no more or less.

Everything doesn't need a gold star.


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