Saturday, June 8, 2013

3 ounces

Okay.  Maybe I charged ahead into my weekend with a little too much gusto last night.  It had been a hard week at work and I was certainly looking forward to heading into my free time.  Unfortunately, in my curious head, that meant I needed to drink just one extra Cosmopolitan that I really didn't need to drink.  It tasted so good and I was doing the mixing at home and, ah come on, it was a Friday night and well it went down so...
You get the picture.  So I oooh'd and aaahhh'd and drank myself three of the pinkish cocktails.  You wouldn't think that would have such an effect since we are only talking 3 ounces of vodka total.  And I know it was only 3 ounces since the mixing was done at home.  But boy, oh.  I'm not exactly out of kilter, but then I'm not exactly on top of my game this morning, either.  And I have plans to run this morning and I have plans to write and I have plans to cook and I have...
It seems it's time to straighten myself out and pour myself another 3 ounces.  But this time it will be some hot, black, coffee.  Wait, what?  3 ounces?  No way...fill that mug up!  Again.  Now.
Good.  Better.  
Now.  Get started on those plans.


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