Friday, June 14, 2013

Day off

This morning, today, I'm off from work.  I've taken a vacation day and I seem to be stumbling around not sure of my routine.  Classic.  I finally get the time off that I want and can't seem to piece together the minutes in a formula that seems to make the best use of them.  I mean, how much time can I waste?  I've already been up a hour and I have nothing to show for it.
I guess the best thing for me to do now is to go run.  That is first on my list of things I need to do.  It's what I want to do.  The second will be to write.  That has to happen.  It has to happen today.  I've got this story hanging out in the breeze, so close to being finished, and I can't seem to get it done.  I was supposed to work on it last night and I didn't touch it except to open the document and stare at it.  I read a piece of the draft and thought, 'I need to work on this', and then allowed myself to get distracted away from it.  But not today.  No more excuses for it.  Whatever I need to work out, whatever I seem to be afraid of by writing it, whatever, whatever.  No whatever's.  I will put all the words down, give it a read, change the words around and then have it done.  This isn't some big, fancy, important piece of work.  It's a simple, simplistic, not complicated point A to point B story.  It's a 1-2-3 done and I'm dragging around like it's more important than it really is.  So there.
I will run and then get to the business of writing the last bits of a simple story so I can go on to the next idea.
It's a vacation day and I'm going to enjoy it!


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