Thursday, July 1, 2010

What's today

It's quiet for a Thursday morning.  There is usually more activity about this time.  It might be the rain that has things silenced.  It might be there isn't any school and being a holiday weekend, I'm sure there are some that might not be going in to work and preparing instead for that holiday.  
Not me, I'm working the regular days and that is fine except the week has managed to drag just a bit at work.  Or is it me that's dragging?
I expected much more rain.  Maybe it's still on the way and will take more time to get here.  That would be fine, too.  We've gotten so much more rain this year than in the past several years.  And here I am talking about the weather like you can't look out your own window and see what is happening out there today.
But it's quiet and raining outside mine.  The kind of day I would rather stay right where I am and add a few more words to a page as the weather happens outside.
But that won't be happening for me today. It's only Thursday.


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