Thursday, July 29, 2010

Slow news day

I have been struggling for a subject and I haven't had any sudden inspirations for topics lately.  I haven't been able to rely on the something will come to me either.  Nothing has been coming to me lately.  It must be a slow news day for everyone if even when you go to the breakrooms at work the only thing you catch on CNN is Mel Gibson or Linsey Lohan behaving very badly.  I am not sure why that is so in the forefront of the news but pick a channel, any channel, I bet there will be a mention somewhere.
Sure, I wish I could blame an all around slow news day for not pushing my creativity.  I can try to say I've been carrying my index cards and try to eek out an idea here or there but somehow it all sounds a little like excuses.  So - a small slump but I will persist.  I mean, come on, if the only thing major networks have is entertainers behaving badly I think I can work past my short creative block.
Hopefully it's short.


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