Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I specifically went upstairs to write last night and was distracted.  Well, I came upstairs to dry the towels I had left from yesterday evening that I didn't quite get to but I also meant to write.  I put the towels into the dryer and then went to sit down to write but I needed to sync my iPod so it would store my afternoon run and send it to my site.  I wanted to make sure it was completely updated so I could have all my stats on hand when I needed them.  I got that done and then went to check my email.  I didn't have anything interesting but scanned through the recent book selection that Barnes & Noble was trying to offer.  It was a fairly quick scan and I didn't even click into any of the selections to get more details.  I was supposed to be writing.
Instead I found some music to download and went ahead and started that process.  Knowing it was going to take my languishing laptop more than just a few minutes to complete I decided to go back downstairs and get something to eat.  Many minutes later I finished up my meal, cleaned up the dishes, and went back to check on my music.  For some reason it didn't go directly to my iTunes where I wanted it to go, so I had to push and prod and try to figure out how to get it there.  It took a good while to make that work but I was finally able to move the music over and then re-sync'd it to my iPod so I would be able to listen later.  Then I fudged around even more doing I am not sure what...
I checked a site that I found had been shut down by the blogger or only wanted to share posts by subscription and I blew that off.  I could sometimes find reason to smile when I found lines in it like...that went out the window like yesterday's garbage.  It would make me think, who throws their garbage out the window?  But then it started raining very hard and that was another distraction and I decided I wasn't really going anywhere with the writing.  I left the laptop without even shutting down and wandered off to do something else that I can't even remember now if I accomplished.
I guess it doesn't matter that much in the whole scheme of things.  Maybe it does...just not today.


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