Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Need a vacation

I just got back from my short two vacation days off and I'm tired. I have had way too many things going through my head for the past month or so. Vacations are supposed to help that and this one did but now I'm just...complaining I guess. I can't seem to slow down the collision of thoughts and it's certainly has had an affect on my writing (like you couldn't tell, sure). I’ll work that out soon enough. I have to because I don’t plan to stop.
I finished reading the paperback I picked up and the entire Runners World magazine I brought with me. I started into my Writers Digest but this issue wanted to go on about writing memoirs. It seems there is a huge popularity for that now and the magazine had filled most of it’s pages with articles about it. I don’t think I have an interest in that. I know I’m not interested – no need to think about it.
The running magazine had quite a bit of good information and I did read every single article. I have another issue I’ve received and haven’t gotten to yet. I’ll dive into that one soon. I also went directly to Barnes & Noble and bought myself another eBook since I can read on my mini-acer again now that I’m home. I got Sue Grafton’s, U is for Undertow, (#21 in the series) even though it was the higher priced of all the selections I was thinking of getting. I knew I needed a bit of Kinsey (main character) after a short dose of Stephanie Plum. I shouldn’t act like reading Stephanie is like having to take your medicine because it’s good for you but, oh well, I do. The problem might be I don’t need to take that medicine at all but it’s really just a harmless sugar pill anyway. Huh?..what?
Gotta go…did I say I just got back from vacation and I’m tired?


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