Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Early run

I am trying to follow a running schedule. I have been known to research, find one to my liking and press myself hard to meet each running goal. I am currently into week three of a 16 week training schedule. I have been giving it a go and following it very well so far.
My main area of concern is the continued heat we have been experiencing in the late afternoons. My normal and perfect time to run is after work at this time and although this is my favorite time of year, the temperatures can cut a long run short if I am out beating the pavement at that time of day. I am finding that it can be a bit too much cardio activity in 98 degree temperatures and it is not conducive to a good long run.
I have no problem on weekends since I follow what the experts suggest and run in the early mornings anyway. I have run into the problem when it comes to weekdays. How was I going to get my runs in early when I am usually at my desk each morning at 7:30am? I figured I would give it a try and see about a weekday early morning run. I needed to calculate the time I would need for the run itself, then shower, dress, and get myself to my desk in time. I realized I would need to leave the house before daylight since it doesn’t start getting light in the mornings around here until about 6:30 or so. That wouldn’t be enough time for anything!
My first try I got up and managed to get out to run by 5:45am. It was dark but there are street lights and I have sidewalks almost all around the area in my neighborhood so I wasn’t terribly concerned. It was quiet and the sky was a murky midnight blue. I took my regular route for my four mile run and was able to see the sky change slightly to a paler shade of gray, then brighten to show patches of white from the clouds. By the time I reached my third mile there was enough daylight that the street lights were beginning to flicker off. It seemed each one timed their shut down as I ran past in acknowledgment of me.
I made my way home and was actually able to shower and arrive to work on time. I was beginning to think this might be the way to go. I may have solved my problem of the work day work-outs.
I thought I had solved it but then by my third early morning run…OH! Time has gotten away from me this morning.
To be continued.


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