Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello, 2015!

January 1, 2015

It's about the time on this very first day of the New Year to start winding down. At least for me, it's about that time, but it wasn't without it's traditional first day of the year meal. I can't think of a January 1st that hasn't started with some fresh, homemade, black-eyed peas on white rice and served with fresh ham. There is a lot of comfort in this truly simple meal that has become a tradition in this home. My boys know it will be simmering on the stove when they decide to stop by and serve up a warm bowl. It's rumored to bring good luck but I think that luck is due to the act of getting together and not the exact food in the bowl. Of course, we love what's in that bowl and wouldn't think of changing it to tease our chances with a year of good luck.
It was also the perfect weather for another bowl of comfort. It's been cold and rainy almost the entire past week and I made another simple food that is known to simmer for hours and warm you from the inside out. My simple fare for New Years Eve dinner was my version of beef pot roast. The beef was braised for hours, slowly on a low temperature stove top, until the broth was thickened and carrots and potatoes cooked through. There is nothing that can replace this type of warmth. It fills the bowl and the stomach but more importantly, warms the heart.
I don't think there could be a better way to start the New Year. Hello, 2015!


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