Monday, January 26, 2015

Pinched nerve and ITP

This morning there is a slight struggle with a pinched nerve in my lower back. It's merely an annoyance that hasn't left me alone yet after two days. It isn't bad but it's there. I'll have to remember to get up and walk around more today instead of sitting at my desk for hours with bad posture.

It's also a reminder that my self-induced sabbatical is over. My excuse to lighten up on my running mileage and to allow myself to eat anything and everything with abandon is over. It started right after my last annual checkup when all my tests were fine. There was only one thing that the doctor was concerned about, but he only had me come back for blood work after 3 weeks. That was the end of October and that second blood test had the doctor sending me to a specialist. I was fine, but my palettes were reading 80,000 and then 60,000. They should range from 150,000 to 400,000. Great. Here I go again with the stupid blood business. I've had bouts with anemia in the past.

After several appointments with the Hematologist it seems I have a condition called ITP. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? My immune system likes to go after my palettes - not much anything else but it has a penchant for gobbling my platelets. It's a condition. People have it and go ahead with everything called life. I have it checked every couple of months with my next appointment at the end of February.

So I took some time off - a sabbatical of sorts that coincided with the holidays and bad weather. Now I have an annoying bit of a pain in my back that is telling me to get going again. Hibernation period is over. It's time to come out into the light. And that ITP thingy?  I never even knew I had it, so why should it make any difference now.


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