Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Before I start

Hang on a second, I need to re-fill my coffee. 
There.  That's better.  It's better except the only thing I want to do is sit here and sip coffee and that is not the order of the day.  I've turned the calendar over for this last month of this year.  One last charge into the things to do before we mark the end of another year.  This month especially feels like it swirls with a range of different highs and lows, hills and valleys.  There is always more plans, more things to get done and hopefully more smiles and joy than sometimes can be packed into any other two months.  I already have two things scheduled this week before Saturday and that is a lot for me. 
It seems when things get busy and the more I do the more energy I find I have to do more.  It's an odd thing that always seems to take hold.  There is a universal drive that seems to happen in December.  It might start out slow or creep up on me in a way that once I am into week two I have been pulled into a time of planning ahead and getting ready.  It can work itself into a frenzy when that extra energy that was found early on is beginning to get spent.  That is usually when I reach mid-month and I begin to step back a moment to fill in the blank spots with more things that need to get done.  It will wind itself down into a quiet calm right after it reaches a peak crescendo but not until the energies are almost all gone and I get to settle down and look forward to the possibilities of what might happen in the new year.
Everyone has had their share of Decembers.  There are different degrees of how it works for everyone but for the most part I would like to hope it really is filled with more smiles and joy than two months packed together.  But, wait...hang on a second.  Before I get pulled into this new month.  I think I have time for one more cup of coffee.


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