Friday, December 10, 2010

Electronic buzz

Oh, sorry.  I opened my laptop and went to my dashboard draft page here and immediately got caught up in downloading on my Nook.  Nothing like having two electronic devices going at the same time.  But hold on...I need to check something on my eReader.  It captured one book but I thought I had downloaded another that isn't showing up in my library.  Let me try that one again.
Shop, search, scroll...okay.  There it is now.  Let me just put that one on the same shelf as the other four books from that series. There.  Now all five of these are together.  I guess I can put this aside for now since I'm set with the new books.
Oh, gosh...wait.  I need to go to another site for a moment.  I remembered I wanted to download another album before I forget again!  Hang on.
Yet another device hooked tandem with the laptop and it is loading now so it will be complete in just a minute.  I know there might...oh,'s flashing at me like it might be done.  Hang on.  It's there and I got it loaded to my iPod but the album cover itself isn't showing in my library.  Ah...but it's there I can deal with the other later.
So where was I?  You know, I've got all these bogus emails now that I need to weed through.  Maybe this morning I am a little distracted.  I'll check on you later.  k?


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