Thursday, December 30, 2010

No plans

This is the final wind down on the calendar.  There are only two days left showing for 2010 and for me not having to bother with going in to work has been transforming.  It is a very small degree but one (me) would never know the subtle benefits of releasing some responsibilites every now and again until they (I) have allowed it for much more than the shortest possible time.  The best part of it (for me) has been that I did not plan a thing.  I didn't want to plan anything.  I am reaping the rewards right now of being able to take advantage of being here, comfortable in my own home.  To be able to bang around my own walls and do my normal things without having to check the time or schedule.  To account for nothing and for that to be okay.
Splendid.  Truly splendid.
One thing I did last night was take notes downstairs and spread them out on my bed.  I normally only work on that upstairs at my desk but moving them yesterday seemed the right thing to do.  I don't need the laptop unless I am doing actual writing.  I seem to write all my notes and ideas longhand and it isn't until I am ready to put actual words to a page that I use the laptop.  I knew I had work to do before I could start back up with actual writing.  I still do.  But I got a good start on it yesterday and will hopefully continue to define it even more today.  (Should I stop this here now to get going? - that is always an internal debate I don't know the score on).
Maybe that's exactly what I should do right now since it wasn't planned.


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