Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bag sale

Did you know that if you go out and spend two and a half hours walking, browsing, trying on and purchasing a few things they give you these great bags?
They do!  I went out and spent time walking the open air boutiques, browsing through racks of clothes, trying on everything I purchased plus the equivalent of that amount that I didn't purchase and it has proven to be true.  They give you these great bags!
These are sturdy, well constructed bags of a variety of sizes.  The smallest could be used to pack a lunch.  It could fit a small tupperware of yogurt (I buy the large container of plain - not those individual added sugar fruity ones), plus a couple of pieces of fruit and a sandwich.  The others could be used to transport larger items from one house to another, say if you were cooking and needed to bring over the finished products or extra serving pieces.  All of these bags can be re-used again for a variety of reasons and it could be a part of this whole going green frenzy that everyone seems to be addicted to.  (That's another topic...yes I am being maybe not a good topic).  
But the bags are great, aren't they?  Okay so maybe they are included in the price of the items I purchased but when the items are 25 to 50 percent off like they were today...well, hey then.  It's like they are free!  
What a bargain!  They are so versatile!  So many different ways they can be used!
Well, okay.  It's just another diversionary tactic to displace the fact that I came home with:  (insert one afternoon shopping inventory here)
  • Taupe angled front-pocket slacks
  • Casual gray knit top
  • Soft lavender eye shadow
  • Charcoal gray tank top
  • Rose tank top
  • Garnet V-neck sleeveless blouse
  • Lavender print spaghetti strap blouse
  • Tie front sleeveless blouse
  • Black button detailed slacks

All of this and they give you the great bags for free!  The diversionary tactic really isn't working is it?  Well, you can't blame a girl for trying!
These are great bags...I could use them for so many things...


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