Saturday, January 25, 2014

Low numbers

After much whining and crying, kicking and screaming, I went out and ran the 5K I signed up for this morning.  It was just before light when I climbed into my car which was covered in frost.  I switched on the ignition to get the defroster going and the dashboard lights flicked on a red warning number of 27 degrees.  I  ignored it.  I was going and I wasn't going to let the temperatures bother me.  That was the only thing I was fearful of.  It wasn't the distance.  It wasn't as if I wasn't going to finish.  I was only afraid of the cold.

But I went.  I tried very hard not to pay any mind to the red dashboard light or the number on the weather widget on my phone.  It didn't matter.  I wouldn't let it matter.  It wasn't a long run.  I'd be done quickly.  Go.  Besides.  Something my trainer said or really what wasn't said had changed my mind and made me go.

During my training session yesterday afternoon I was asked about my race.  I said it was going to be too cold and I wasn't going.  The trainer completely ignored that statement and went on to lead me through some upper body weights.  Toward the end of the session I was instructed on some foam roller stretches for my lower body and told how my legs would be super ready for the race in the morning.  I again mentioned I didn't think I was going and I was again ignored.  As I was leaving the trainer said goodbye, set up our next Friday afternoon appointment, and told me to let them know what my time was for the race.

The trainer never acknowledged the fact that I was trying to say I wasn't going to show.  It was never a question or debate.  There were only simple statements that I would be doing it.  Maybe I was looking for an argument so I could defend my position on not going but I was never given that opportunity.  It changed my mind about going and got me thinking about how I would.  I started thinking about the fact that I had all the gear.  It was a short run.  I could survive.   So I went.  And somehow I did.

It might have been how very cold it was that made me hurry.  Maybe the cold was the very reason I might have pushed through.  I didn't think I was going any faster than a regular run but I might have been.  The number that hadn't crossed my mind while I was so busy considering the temperature numbers was my pace.  It turned out that maybe that was the low number I should have been thinking about.  Well, I'm not sure that I should have considered any of those numbers but what I am sure of, is that I ended up first place in my age category. or first place?

I didn't realize those were the two options.  I'm glad I showed up to find out!


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