Sunday, January 19, 2014

Don't delete

I couldn't even get through reading my previous post from yesterday.  I know I must have had too much coffee.  I know I had a lot of things on my mind about what I wanted to get done.  I was trying hard to prioritize those things in my mind while also putting up a post since I hadn't done that for almost a week.  So the previous post is a mess and I thought to pull it but I didn't.

If I had to recap yesterday, it might have started a little frantic but it played out fairly well.  I got many things that I wanted to do done and still a little (very little) time to relax, but how much do I really need?  I'm more energized by all that I have been doing instead of all the things I don't do.  Would I like to spend more time writing.  Yes.  I really would like that.  It will happen, but I really needed to jump start a few other things.  At least that is the way I am prioritizing it all right now.  And it is up to me.  I'm driving this car of my life and I get to make the choices.

It's the same with these posts.  There isn't any real thought behind them and I should probably pull them out and delete them.  They aren't anything more than scribbles.  But they are words on a page which is something.  It's like a training run.  It's only a few miles (words), not very fast (thoughtful), but adds to the total results (discipline).

I figured I could rationalize it somehow.


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