Monday, April 30, 2012


It seems I've made up my mind and will be working on a few goals.  Yesterday seems to have been the turning point where I decided I needed to stop floundering around and I needed to make some plans of action for myself instead.
I decided I am going to do more formal training for my running.  I will pull down some training plans and can modify and go from there.  It isn't as if I don't have a few plans somewhere and there are more available everywhere.  It's a matter of getting them in front of me and following it.  I'll need to search up some races that I might officially enter.  I've been avoiding that for a long time now.  Somehow, even though I was running the same distances on my own I couldn't get myself to enter the official races for the same distances.  I'll need to push myself through on that one and maybe I'll figure out why I have been holding back.
I need to make some calls and maybe get a little more advise on the cookie ideas.  I seem to be wavering on my decisions on that.  It's easy to push this to the back burner since it isn't hurting anything to stay as it is now.  But it is on my list.  I won't ignore it.
My fiction writing.  I had intentions of sitting for an hour or more yesterday.  I didn't make it happen.  That is the plain and simple truth.  I need to get my goals straight on this one.  It might be the toughest thing to figure out because it's myself I'm fighting against and I can be stubborn.
I have some things to do.  I have more plans to make.  Some things might happen sooner than others but I am glad to be in the position to want to challenge myself and it helps that I feel like I want to take it on.


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