Saturday, April 21, 2012


Saturday afternoon - 4:23pm
Today was my last day of the I have to run every day for seven consecutive days from last Sunday until today because I, well I, because I, I thought I just had to do it that way thing, that thing I came up with last week.  That thing I thought up in my head because it was the middle of the month and I felt like I had slacked off from running so I was going to prove to myself that I had to do it this way.  Because I wasn't going to allow myself to get away with not taking advantage of putting more miles in this month than last and I wouldn't let myself talk myself out of it and I put the rules down and I wouldn't think of not doing it because I had to do it.  So starting last Sunday, April 15 through today, April 21, I have managed to run every day for the past seven days.  Every day, no excuses, no but I'm tireds, no I have to do this insteads, no, because like I said before - seven days.  Because.
So here is how it turned out.
Sunday - 8.18 miles
Monday- 5.21
Tuesday - 4.14
Wednesday - 5.02
Thursday - 4.04
Friday - 3.60
Saturday - 4.10
It's a total of 34.29 miles for the seven days.  You can tell I was getting tired toward the end of the week but I got out there.  The first week in April I totaled 26.33 miles and the second week was 17.19 (the slacker week).  For the month, so far, it's been a total of 77.81 miles, 14 runs, total time of 14:03:27 (no, I'm not fast by any means- especially on tired days) and 6592 calories burned.  And?  So?  I did what I should have done.  I'm back on track.  I did what I set out and followed my own rules and didn't make excuses.  I'm not necessarily proud or accomplished or thinking any more about it than...yeah...good.  About time.  There.
The month isn't over.



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