Friday, April 13, 2012


Don't tell anyone.
I left work at noon yesterday to keep an appointment with the air conditioning service people to finish the last bit of wiring they had to do on our brand new unit.  We had the entire contraption replaced from the old 18 plus year old model to a new energy efficient heat pump.  It all sounds wonderful and it is except old unit/new unit, old wiring/new wiring isn't cooperating the way it should.  I don't understand all the lingo but simply put we had four wires in the old model and the new has five.  Somehow these five wires have to go from the unit that is inside (upstairs no less) to the unit outside (down the stairs, cross the living room, through the kitchen, out the back door, around the deck to the side of the house).
I don't think they are doing it right but that's my opinion and they were supposed to finish yesterday.  They did.  During the afternoon I was able to log-in to work from home and get some things done while they trooped up and down the stairs and out the door and back again.  Then they said they were finished but they wanted to show me and we started upstairs.  There is a box that all the wires feed into.  Check.  If the power is out for more than an hour we need to press this button.  Okay.  But wait...not done.  Then we need to go outside, remove the side of the unit there and press that button.  What?  If the power goes out for more than an hour I need to re-boot?  At both places?  I was so tired already, from the amount of work I have (why do you think I was working from home instead of just taking the afternoon off) and all these appointments with estimates and then installation, I just let them go.  I lost my internet connection on my work laptop and it was almost 5:00pm by then so I just shut it all down.
I called Jay.  He had a fit.  He demanded the A/C peoples phone number. 
I've missed almost an entire week of runs so, as tired and worn out as I was, I decided I would head out.  Get out, clear my head and do something positive.  I was really going slow starting out.  I knew I was beat, but the weather felt great and I felt good to finally be out there.  Then as I got to mile one, at that place where I first turn and hit the rocky gravelly area, I did it again.  BAM!  No.  But yes.  I felt myself going down and I knew.  I tried to soften my fall as best I could and took much of the impact with the heels of my hands.  And it hurt and I sat there for a while but finally got up and started walking.  My eyes filled up with tears and I was acting like a little baby.  I pulled out my phone as if to call someone so I would stop and buck up but, well, there was no one to call that wanted to talk to me, especially since I knew I was being totally irrational.  I knew that.  No big deal, I thought.  I'm not hurt just tired and frustrated.
I'm getting rid of these new shoes and buying a different pair.  This new technology isn't working out for me with the supposed, front balance for my faster shoes or the new energy efficient five wires for my a/c.  I know soon enough it will all pass.  The heels of my hands will heal.  I can't believe I fell again.
But don't tell anyone.


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