Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Was that you?

I took a rest day from running yesterday.  I had some regular chores to catch up on at home and since I have a rest day choice of Monday or Tuesday I went ahead and took yesterday off.  I also have Thursday or Friday as rest day options also so I can get five runs in a week with two days off.  For the three day holiday weekend I was able to run 6, 7, 8 miles for a total of 21.  The best part is I am feeling great!  I've been getting back to feeling good and itchy if I don't go out for a run, even if it's short.  Like last night...in the middle of doing a load of laundry I wanted to scoot out the door but I kept to my rest day mindset.  Besides the laundry wasn't going to put itself into the dryer.
I was sitting outside at lunch yesterday at work and a friend came out briefly to my table.  He said he had a meeting but saw me there and wanted to ask if I ran along this particular street? 
"I thought that was you."
Now I'm a little nervous.  I'm always a little taken aback when someone says they have seen me running.  Like I think I'm invisible or anonymous when I'm out there running.  So I asked him, "Did you see me running after work?"  Somehow I thought it would make me feel better if it was a random sighting when he happened to be driving home.
"After work, on weekends, I see you all the time!  You run a lot!"
He had to go on to his meeting.  I was left thinking I didn't think I was running that much but maybe I have been.  I've wanted to increase it and maybe I actually have.  I was nervously left thinking how many times had he seen me?
He was gone for a while while I tried to get back to my lunch.  But then a thought entered my head on what I should have asked him.  Maybe I should have asked, how many times are you up and down that street?


Anonymous said...

Play detective, who is he exactly, does he live in the area that you run, what make and license auto is he in, then let him know casualy you know all this,then let everyone know more or less your route, and the info you come up with. But remember enjoy your running, life is too short, do you others you can run with, a club....

Chetta said...

I DID play detective except I went straight to that person and asked. It turns out he had seen me running when he was headed to the gym they just built down the street (that I switched to recently). Looks like our workout times are about the same...'cept he is headed to the gym and I'm, well, I'm just out running!

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