Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Miz consistency

I made up my mind that I can't miss a single day of running this week.  No rest days, no days off, just a week of consistent runs.  They don't all have to be long or many miles but I have to run every day.  For this week.  I let last week get away from me and only had three runs.  Three runs!  Out of a total of seven days and I only ran three?  That isn't a good number, sorry, but no.  There can be good excuses...appointments, scheduling problems, household a/c upsets but no.  That was last week and this is Tuesday of the week I will be running every day.  I already covered Sunday and Monday so it's just ticking off each day from now on until the week is over on Saturday.  And I am hell-bent that I am going to do it.
I managed to hit 50 miles for the month on Sunday but that cut into my number of miles for this week in order to hit 100 by the end of the day on 4/30/12.  That's the goal.  100 mile for this month.  I am not even thinking about the 75 miles anymore.  That isn't an option for stopping.  It's 100 or nothing, brother.  That's the way it's gonna play and I'll be barreling through until I get there.  No stopping, no days off, it's running all the way until I get what I get.  I even had a reminder from my nike+ site that I had hit 1500 miles since using my sensor and I only needed 49 more to change from my color blue to purple (It's a mile achieved color-coding system for everyone on the site).  49 miles...what a considence it would line up with what my goal is this month!  It's been a long haul to get here and I'll be hauling myself out every day this week.
Wow.  Hang on just a moment.  I wonder what I'll be saying by Thursday evening?  I might need some encouragement by then so please keep me in mind...some of my bravado might have worn thin by then and I might need a pick me up.
Keep runnin'!


Anonymous said...

Start running ultras then you can do a 100 in a day or two's time.....

Chetta said...

Oh yes. Ultra. I know I said 'it's 100 or nothing, brother' but not all at once!

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