Friday, May 28, 2010

Start day two

If yesterday was my first day at the job of being a writer than I am not sure it went as well as it should have. I had said since I had this extra vacation day (two actually – counting today) that I would use that as the “perfect time” to spend the day writing as if it were my regular job. I had all the good intentions (and I know the road that is paved with those) when I started the day. The appointment I had to keep threw me off track almost completely.
It should have been a quick go, come back, get to work but it ended up taking half my day. By the time I finally got something for lunch it was into the afternoon and I made the mistake of picking up the book I was reading. I lost myself for a good couple of hours before I realized the time and had to get myself going for another engagement I had that evening.
It wasn’t exactly the day I had pictured. I had hoped to spend my time adding words upon words to my already started chapters. I had hoped to work out a short plan for what I would cover in subsequent chapters in order to keep the writing flow going. I had hoped.
But again…wishes without work only produces old Disney cartoon movies. I am not Snow White singing into a wishing well with the Prince showing up by the end of the song.
The good part is that I get to say I did write yesterday. I took advantage of the short time I had before my evening engagement and added more words. I didn’t think how short a time I had, or how I shouldn’t bother trying to write with so little time available but just used it up writing. I was almost late for the engagement because the writing took over.
All day, perfect times, wishing and hoping won’t capture a single word. Wishing wells only fulfill your dreams in fairy tales.
The place is here, the time is now, and wherever or how much that may be, can sometimes be good enough.
I will try again today to go to work as a writer. I do have another appointment and I started reading another book but those things will continue to happen to disrupt my best laid plans if I let them. I know I have the same determination today that I had when I started yesterday to try to do this. I may have fallen short yesterday but I still managed something. I will try it again today and manage much more.
I mean, come on, how much real work does anyone really accomplish on their first day on the job?


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