Saturday, May 15, 2010

Moving back

I have been able to partially move back to my space.  I ventured up the stairs after I realized no one was going to show up to continue the work today.  I was told my normally solitary Saturday was going to be invaded by people in the house but nope, they didn't show.  So I braved the unknown and went up to see the condition of things.
It turned out they actually finished the two rooms and bathroom upstairs and painted the landings walls.  The landing and staircase ceilings still need to be scraped of the ugly popcorn and painted but then the entire upstairs will be complete.
My furniture was also put back into place even if it was coated with a mile of dust and the sheer drapes replaced backwards with seams showing.  I easily remedied those items and vacuumed the now desperately needing-to-be-replaced carpet.  Ah, the carpet that was the start of all this.  It only made sense to take care of the scraping and painting before replacing it and now that it's done, I think the carpet will need to be re-done sooner rather than later.  Then everything will be new and clean.  I have to say that it does look much better.
I am still working downstairs but I believe I will bring my laptop up to my own desk after this evening.  The rest of the work will continue in the hallway but I don't think there will be a need to disturb my area soon.  The work in my room is done for now until we contract someone for the carpeting.   Then it will begin again. 
It will be all worth it, right?  It was a slight disruption to make the space a little better than it was before?  I guess I can go with that. 
Maybe I should get up and move my laptop up there right now!
I think I will.


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