Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Morning run

The salt spray crashed over the pilings on the narrow shoulder of the road. The white spittle flew out from the blue roll of wave where it originated. The wind was strong and helped push the aqua water over the short barrier.
It went like this all along the winding and deserted road. The temperature was mild and the strong gusts kept it cool when it could have been steamily humid. The measured foot falls were the only sounds not common to these early mornings’ beginnings. The water, the wind, and the birds all had their normal routines in place. The lone gull took a running start before launching itself into the air to avoid the high tide and hover in search of what might become its morning portion.
It's not often enough that I am able to put myself in the midst of surroundings that ebb and flow without interruption. Even with the introduction of something foreign like myself I was happy to see it didn't stop and change course because of me but accepted my foreignness allowing me to experience it as it unfolded. It showed me nature’s confident feeling of nonchalance and the progression of its regular occurrences even with the interruption of the lone creature in motion that was me.
It's hard not to appreciate that acceptance. It’s a gift to be given the opportunity and time to travel a narrow road where your foot falls are the only unusual sound in a scene that will play out with or without you. It played itself out with me yesterday morning when I had the privilege to experience it and has left me still thinking about it today.


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