Saturday, May 29, 2010

Second day save

Did I say something about how my first attempt at using a vacation day as a day to write wasn't how I had pictured? If the first day didn’t work out well then the second day saved it all. I had two “extra” vacation days I had taken with nothing planned and thought it a good idea to attempt to use those days as if I was going to work as a writer.
The first day didn’t turn out. I wrote a short amount of time in the morning. I was interrupted with an appointment that went completely longer than it should and I had a hard time getting focused. I sat down to write with the smallest space of time I had before another evening appointment and that proved to be the more productive of that first day. That is the reason I say my first day and attempt wasn’t how I had pictured.
I began again on Day two with a writing session as I sipped coffee and I was beginning to feel a little more like actually sitting at a writer’s desk. I spent over a good hour and a bit working at my new job. Then it was time for another appointment. It turned out this appointment was the quick go, come back; get to work type that I had hoped the first one would have been. I was back at my desk a little after 11:00 am and I started back to work. I gave myself a break for lunch departing from my workspace and inhabiting the lower level of my home for about an hour.
When I returned upstairs I had the most concentrated effort to date. Is it possible to spend three and a half hours not realizing the time? I know it happens but never when I’ve worked at this writing job before. But then I don’t think I ever allowed myself to really work at this writing job for any extended period of time. I broke away for 45 minutes to make a quick trip to the grocery to pick up something I could pop in the oven that wouldn’t take a lot of prep time. I managed a small roast beef with potatoes and carrots, put it in the oven and returned to work. I found myself a couple of hours later looking at the clock knowing I should stop and pull the food from the oven but wanting to get a last few words down. I did this multiple times until I finally went and shut off the oven, pulled the food out and put aluminum foil over the top to keep.
Then I went back to work.
I finally shut my laptop down about 6:20 pm or so and went downstairs. The funny part is that I had grabbed my binder to make a few notes (like I was taking work home) and when I had finished scribbling it was after 7:15pm.
So if Day one wasn’t as I had pictured, Day two proved to be more than I could have imagined.
This new job seems to be working out well.


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