Wednesday, December 30, 2015

You are here

Another year winding down, spiraling toward the end. In only a couple of days we will have gotten through another calendar year of ups, downs, and all that goes in between. It's supposed to be the time you pull out your memory books and take a walk backwards.

I don't want to do that. I know and remember enough of what happened all year to not feel the need to take the time now to rehash it all. I'm at the spot I am at. Whatever happened to get me here is all done. I don't need to wax poetic about all the things that has already gone on throughout the entire calendar of days and weeks.

I am here. It's like the big, red, dot on a map. Get your bearings, recognize your location, and get moving. We can't predict what is up ahead any more or less than we could last week or yesterday and yet we made it here, to the very spot we are now. So take a brief look around and go.


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