Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday in a flash

5:33 pm Friday

What happened to the day! I started out early. I had a good plan. I was so far ahead by 11:30 a.m. I was cruising right along with bags full of gifts and had almost everybody crossed off my list. I had a half day left.

I stopped again before going home. I thought I might complete the few items I still needed. I shopped and looked at this thing and that. I picked up this, put it down, picked up that. I carried a few around and circled back. I put that back. I looked at this other thing and then that other thing. Yes, No, Maybe, and soon I decided on a short few and by the time I checked my watch it was past 1:30. I was irritably hungry and yet I didn't stop but went straight home knowing there wasn't anything to eat.

I made popcorn and watched my DVRs recording of Top Chef. I got really tired and tried to relax. Then it was 4:00 and I thought if I wrapped the gifts I would have that out of the way. Then it was 5:15 by the time I was finished. I'm exhausted. And I'm thinking I have a Christmas dinner menu but I haven't shopped for any of that yet. I'm going to need a prime rib and some excellent shrimp to stuff with crabmeat. I can't think about that right now. I still have time and I'll get it all done. All of it. I was thinking I needed to bake more cookies.Sunday is Mr. L's birthday.What's for dessert on Christmas? I don't think that was decided yet.

I need a drink.


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