Sunday, December 6, 2015


I have three machines working right now. If I took my time yesterday to try and figure out what I was going to do, I've got a complete head-start on today's activities. It's a complete 180 turnaround from yesterday. I have a load of laundry, a load of dishes, and the bread machine all churning away. The coffee maker has already done it's duty and I will have some biscotti baked up in short order real soon.

I started yesterday very slowly. I finally got up and went to the grocery store. It was a unexpected surprise to see they had a three piece group playing jazzy holiday tunes. Yes, in the entrance by the produce there was music. Look, I'm not kidding...

Well, that was certainly different. I'm glad I showed up when I did. 

Then it was home again and I decided to take care of some sugar cookie dough I had in the refrigerator. It was time to roll in out and put in on cookie sheets.
 I was able to get help decorating the cookies. Mr. L decided he was willing and able to sprinkle some colored sugars and discs on the cookies. He is a regular baker in-training and did an outstanding job of helping. He went out back and played with the dog while the cookies were baking but he washed his hands and came back to move them from the cooling racks to the plate. He later moved them to a large zip-lock bag to take home. He protested the small quart size bag I tired to give him claiming it was too small! I gave him a gallon size instead and he seemed pleased. 

I later baked some chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies to go with the sugar cookies. I will make some oatmeal in a bit but I am missing an ingredient so it may be chocolate hazelnut biscotti to make this morning. 

It sure smells good in here. 


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